IslandHF Elmer Initiative
“Mentoring has long been the backbone of Amateur Radio. While technology constantly evolves, the human interaction between hams will not be replaced and will always remain one of the hobby’s strongest traditions. As licensed hams we are all ambassadors of Amateur Radio and we should always be looking at ways in which we can welcome newly licensed hams and project a positive image that will attract others to ham radio.” ARRL
The IslandHF Radio Association (IslandHF) has initiated an Elmer program. This program is for hams who want help with learning about high frequency (HF) radio whether it’s operating, technical stuff, experimentation, antennas, CW, SSB, or digital. An Elmer is a mentor, someone who guides the learner.
Current IslandHF Elmers are:
Chris Parker VA7PK – Nanaimo/Sidney, BC Ron Richter VE7IRR – Langford, BC
Curt Smecher VE7CAS – Sooke, BC Darren Geddes VE7VG – Port Alberni, BC
Norman Younie VE7SAY – Metchosin, BC John Erskine VE7MHI
Don Rosberg VE7DK – Langford, BC John den Boer VE7JDB – Malahat, BC
If you are a radio amateur who would like an Elmer to assist you in discovering the exciting world of HF radio, please use the Contact Us tab at the top of the webpage and introduce yourself and what HF topics you would like help with.
73 Glenn Lindsey VA7HC