Between November 21th to December 19th 2023 IslandHF initiated an experimental Digital Net using JS8, VarAC and Winlink P2P using VARA HF modem on 40m once a week every Tuesday.

The purpose of this experimental net was to explore radio communication between member of Island HF as an alternative to voice net.

The report concluded that whatever is your aspiration in HF amateur radio, HF Digital Weak Signal will shape the future of HF amateur radio and the new comers will feel more comfortable in using a platform and a SDR radio that is more similar in operation and functionality to our smart phones and computers.

Read Final PDF Report here: Island-HF experimental digital net report.PDF

If you are interest in these platforms and wish to use them for a specific radio application you can contact Joseph at VA7YJJ on the IslandHF Discord Server for assistance if needed. If you are not a member then go online to sign in for a free membership to have access to IslandHF Discord Server.
Free membership on-line
Site :

Resources below:

VARA modems is necessary for VarAC. VARA modems, created  by EA5HVK
They have 4 modem types  vara HF, vara FM, vara SAT …
Use vara HF.
The free version is limited to low speed (500Hz) which is sufficient for VarAC.

VarAC is a modern HF P2P real-time chat application by 4Z1AC and can be downloaded at:
Overview Doc:

JS8Call is similar to FT8 but with chat/group capability.
Overview Docs by Robert Mazur VE3ROM:

For JS8 part 1
For JS8 part 2

PSK Reporter:
For those who are not familiar with HF digital radio modes, PSK reporter is an on line application that is at the heart of the digital platforms.
Site at:

Winlink Express is a Packet world wide mail server with P2P option.
Overview doc:

Here is an image from PSK filter Nov 15 at 6pm past 3 hours on VARAC, yellow is 20m, blue is 40m, mostly used. It is a busy world out there. Monitor picked me up 2200 miles away, SNR -9dB, using 75 watts.