IslandHF Membership Application

Thinking about joining IslandHF? That’s good. Because IslandHF is a different type of radio club. It was started in May 2023. A website was created, a call sign VA7IHF was registered with ISED, and word got out. The club has 65+ members and is growing.

How is IslandHF different? Two things.

One: It’s unincorporated. It has no board of directors, no bank account and no fees.

Two: Its focus is HF. Whether you’re interested in DXing, contesting, rag chewing, digital like FT8, low power QRP, satellite, or something cool like VarAC, our members are interested in it.

IslandHF is driven by members who are geographically dispersed, mostly on one big Island, and are interested in one thing – HF.

Join up and find out what’s happening.