Ukrainian Amateur Radio League
I went out to look at the Ukrainian Amateur Radio League (UARL) website. One of the first posts was about Stepanov Serhiy Mykolayovych UR5FEO who had just celebrated his 60th birthday. I decided to use Google Translate to translate the wording below the photo. I chuckled when I read the last word.
Вітаємо Заслуженого майстра спорту України Степанова Сергія Миколайовича із 60-річним ювілеєм. Бажаємо йому міцного здоров’я, сімейного благополуччя, надійних друзів та завжди чистого етеру.
“We congratulate Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine Stepanov Serhiy Mykolayovych on his 60th anniversary. We wish him good health, family well-being, reliable friends and always clean ether.”
Checking to see if my comment is posted.