Website statistics & interest

Brian VE7JKZ asked the other day, “Do you have any idea who is looking at the IslandHF website. And what are they looking at?” Now the questions weren’t exactly those, but you get the idea. And the answer is Yes. Here are some screen captures of website stats and interest.

Here’s a second screen capture. Note that is the Elmer Initiative panel on the home page.

The third screen capture.

The fourth screen capture.

And the final screen capture.

BIG Score – VE7ZO

Jim Roberts VE7ZO had a nice big score in the BC QSO Party – 1,374,552 points. Note that when you post your score, you can also add comments. Thanks, Jim, for posting under IslandHF Radio Association.

I was hoping for the same excellent conditions we experienced in 2024. A disturbance on Friday degraded conditions somewhat, but didn’t dampen the overall fun. The score is almost identical to 2024, the difference being + 3 Q’s and + 5 multipliers in this year’s results. Most of the Q’s were domestic but we had a short EU opening on Sunday and the occasional intrepid JA made it in the log on both days. Surprised to work TK5MH on 3 bands.

Participation by the local VE7’s appeared to be on the rise based upon the great local publicity. Also, our local club, Island HF (Vancouver Island) has been instrumental in promoting contesting amongst their membership. Good representation by the host QP makes for a fun event so look forward to 2026.

Thanks for the Q’s, Jim VE7ZO

IslandHF contesting success

Big thank-you’s to Alan VE7UBA and Roger VE7AP for introducing Peter VE7PLI and Ram VE7RPD to the engaging world of radio amateur contesting, in this instance the BC QSO Party. It was a success all the way around. Alan and Roger seen below.

Here are some comments from all four hams after the QSO party.

“Sitting with Alan VE7UBA in his shack for two hours, watching him while contesting, listening to his hints and explanations and being able to ask all the silly questions that were spinning in my head: this was a unique experience! Really the best way of learning. Thanks so much, Alan for having me in your shack and sharing your knowledge. And thanks Glenn for creating this opportunity.”

73 Peter VE7PLI

“It was really great experience for me to meet a ham veteran in person (in my case that was Roger Palmer) to learn the related aspects of contests and helpful software applications, tips and tricks etc. 

I read contest documentation couple of times; however, I was not confident that I understood well enough. 

Only when Roger practically walked me through and explained the details, I was able to easily follow to the extent, that I am now confident to builda HF antenna on my own and anticipating to use by tomorrow with my HF radio ( gifted by John Eyre VE7JEY). 

I would like to sincerely thank you (Glenn) for arranging my meet/learn with Roger today.”

Hi Ram;

I enjoyed meeting with you on Saturday, and am glad that you found our session useful!  After you left, I made a few more SSB and CW contacts, and I have posted the end result (53 contacts, 10,364 points) on the 3830 Score Summary web site:

I hope to hear you on the air (on HF) soon!



From Alan: “Peter – it was a pleasure to have you visit my shack. A positive experience all ’round. Good luck with your contesting… 73”

And congratulations to Peter!!!! His first contest!!!

Yes, it was excellent and …. see the results attached: my first contesting ever.  Not a lot yet, due to the miserable conditions (and my lack of experience), but 100% more than ever!

73 Peter VE7PLI